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About NBIP

NBI Partnership Ltd  (NBIP) is owned by the Norwich Bioscience institutes; the John Innes Centre, The Earlham Institute, The Sainsbury Laboratory and Quadram Institute Bioscience (previously known as the Institute of Food Research). The Partnership provides non-scientific services to each of the owner institutions, supporting their internationally renowned scientific research. The NBI Partnership employs around 140 staff to cater for the needs of approximately 1100 Research Staff, Students and Visiting workers who are all located in close proximity on the Norwich Research Park.

Our Mission

To work in partnership with the Norwich BioScience Institutes in the provision of effective, high quality, valued support services, which allow the institutes to realise their full potential as scientific research centres of excellence.

Our Vision

To deliver reliable, efficient, flexible, effective, helpful and respected services, which are proactive in addressing the changing needs of the institutes we support.

NBI Partnership Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement

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